In this article we’ll show you three simple exercises that will really change the way you look and feel if done regularly.
If someone asks which part of our bodies need the most “work”, we’ll probably say our butt, legs, tummy and arms/pecs. Well, here are three fantastic exercises to target these areas specifically. They’re all taken from our best selling 90 day plan and if you do them as often as possible, you’ll soon start to notice a difference!
Find out more about the New In 90 app and book to see how it can get you on the road to PERMANENT weight control and fitness.
1. Squats
The best all-rounder – working your legs, butt, abs and back all at the same time! They’re effective because they use your full body weight and you can progressively make them harder, the fitter you get.
Stand tall with your tummy braced, your shoulders back and down and your feet hip width apart. Now push your butt back and down, bending the knees until your butt is nearly level with your knees in a kind of ‘Z’ shape. Your knees will go forward and should be kept in line with the middle toe. Keep your chest lifted and your abs braced throughout the exercise. Now come back up to standing without snapping your knees. Repeat 5 times and do it at least 3 times today. You’ll recognise that with a few refinements, this is exactly what you do to sit down, so you could add this in to your daily life but performing squats every time you go to sit down, doing a sit down – stand-up routine without actually putting your weight on the chair until you finally sit down.
2. Press ups
Another great exercise hitting the chest, arms, shoulders and abs. Again you only need your body weight, no equipment and there are loads of variations to get the right one for you.
Stand up tall, abs in, shoulders back and down (familiar?) a foot and a half away from a wall. Place your hands on the wall in front of you at chest height and shoulder width from each other, arms straight but not locked. Now bend the elbows as you lean in towards the wall taking your body weight onto your arms. Stop when your face is close to the wall and press back and away from the wall. If it’s too easy, take your feet further away from the wall. Do this 5 times at least 3 times today.
Variations: on all fours, abs braced, hands shoulder width apart and level with the chest. Bend your elbows taking your chest down towards the floor with your body weight on your arms until your nose is nearly touching the floor at least a few inches above the level of your hands. Push back up and repeat 5 times, at least 3 times today. To increase the intensity, push your knees further back from you hands.